Born amidst a time of uncertainty, we learned to adapt to the ever-changing world. This taught us how to be resilient and through this journey we learned how to be agile—how to pivot on our strengths and how to lean into new ways of moving, being and becoming.
We are on a mission to provide the service of well-being to the human experience. We believe yoga holds many tools that can enrich the human experience with more goodness; we believe it is generative and life-giving.
Providing Experiences to Uplift the Mind, Body & Soul


Teaching and facilitating since 2009, Sophia Da Silva is passionate about teaching well-being as a lifestyle. She utilizes a wide range of modalities to develop character, well-being and leadership. She combines the wisdom of leadership and movement into delivering classes, trainings and programs that inspire human potential to become the highest and best expression of themselves. She is driven by her love of human beings, human flourishing and what happens when you give people the practices, the tools to thrive. She earned her M.A. Leadership from USD and holds an ERYT- (experienced registered yoga teacher) with over 10,000 hours of teaching.
In the book Legacy, by James Kerr, Kerr quotes Buckminister Fuller who said, “what is my job on the planet, what is it that needs doing, that I know something about, that won’t happen unless I take responsibility for it?” I believe my job on the planet is to support the human experience in living with well-being, wisdom and soul.